The forecasts for next week are really promising. It looks like it will start snowing heavily on Tuesday. Winter is coming, just in time, as the ski season is about to begin in full swing. If the forecasts come true, close to a metre of snow could come down in certain areas next week. You can read all about it in this weather forecast.
Regular fresh snow this week
There's nothing to complain about this week's weather either. Snowfall was regular, and it was a joy to watch the webcams. The week started with a solid new layer of snow, and every day there was an additional fresh layer somewhere in the Alps. High altitudes could already boast half a metre of fresh snow. Fresh snow is also showing on webcams today. In Obertauern, as you can see below, thick flakes are swirling down. Around 15 cm of snow is predicted there for today

The snow line is dropping
A minor drawback of last week's weather was that the snow line remained relatively high - above 1,800 metres. Below this point, it mainly just rained heavily. This will change in the coming days. Today the snow line will lower towards 1,200 - 1,000 metres, and it will drop even further, below 500 metres, in the coming days.
Quiet weekend
The weather will be much quieter during the weekend than in the past few days. Clouds will disperse and even make way for some sunshine. It will remain cold, however, and even in the valleys, temperatures could drop below freezing during the day. Certain areas could expect some snowfall, but mostly it will remain dry. Silence before the possible storm…
Heavy snowfall on Tuesday?
And after the weekend - if only the forecasts would come true! They predict lots of snow in the southern Alps on Tuesday, with some snowfall in the north as well. At the moment, there are still some discrepancies between different weather projections, but we are hopeful. In any case, the predicted snow depths promise a lot. More than half a metre of fresh snow and, in some areas, even up to a metre! Will this be the first heavy snowfall of the ski season 2022/2023? We are more than ready for it!
Snow in Sauerland
Next week snowfall is predicted not only in the Alps but also in other parts of Europe. For example, this weekend, it could also snow in Winterberg. Due to a high-pressure area over Scandinavia, cold and dry air will flow from Russia via Poland towards Germany. As a result, temperatures will drop below freezing, giving the precipitation a wintry touch. Unfortunately, the predicted amounts outside of the Alps are slightly reduced compared to weather forecasts earlier this week. Instead of 10 cm of fresh snow on Saturday, there is now more chance for a slight snow coating.