Rating on Laax
Switzerland's best-kept secret
Here you can read all the traveller's reviews for the ski resort of Laax. Before choosing a resort, it is helpful to read other skiers' and snowboarders' experiences. These reviews can help you decide whether Laax is the right resort for your next ski holidays. Have you ever been skiing in Laax? Why not share your experiences with other skiers and snowboarders? Rate Laax on a scale of 1 to 10 and write a review for the ski resort in Laax & Oberstdorf to help others make the right choice for their ski holidays.
Switzerland's best-kept secret
Flims/Laax/Falera is a medium-sized glacier ski area that offers something for every skier and snowboarder. It's spacious, with nicely groomed slopes, and the snowboarders mostly keep off the ski pistes since there are 4 snow parks for freestylers. I don't know any other ski area that offers such great facilities for snowboarding. The ski area always seems to be sunny, no matter when you go. If you haven't been to this ski area yet, come check it out! You won't be disappointed.